At Dragsted Partners, we see patents as an investment
How we work
Our clients perceive us not as a traditional patent agency but as a technologically knowledgeable sparring partner whose focus is not on patents as such but on increasing the value of their business via patenting.
We eliminate unnecessary complexity, ensure constant progress and make patenting easier by always making clear recommendations and using our international experience when uncovering risks and preparing patent applications in Europe, the United States and Japan – with a focus on the BRIC countries.
The route of a patent application through the patent system generates many patent authority communications requiring action of some kind. At Dragsted Partners, we believe that this should not be a burden to our clients. We believe in simplicity and therefore communicate in a clear and precise language and take on responsibility for ensuring progress through the entire patent process in order to make it simple and comprehensible.
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We engage in continuous dialogue with all our clients – aiming at adapting our communication to their requirements. In this way, we save valuable time for our clients and relieve them of having to deal with unnecessary information.
When we work on a project for a client, we often work from the client’s office for short or long periods of time. In our experience, this physical presence at a client’s premises provides us with valuable insight into the business and special requirements of that particular client – and hence, our basis for offering qualified and useful advice is significantly improved.
A period of working in-house at a client’s premises can be arranged in various ways, and the possible agendas are many. Our presence may e.g. contribute to enhancing the awareness of patents and IP in the company in general. The aim could also be to assist an in-house patent department during busy periods.
Approach and values
At Dragsted Partners, we believe that filing patents is not a goal in itself. Rather, we see patents as an effective means for Danish companies to strengthen their competitive edge. Accordingly, we consider patents to be value-creating assets and not just a cost.
We believe in simplicity – not least because, to many people, the patent system comes across as old-fashioned and unnecessarily complicated. At Dragsted Partners, we see it as our mission to change the perception of patenting as being a necessary cost and a burdensome process into being an asset which serves to strengthen the position of Danish companies on the global market – an asset that increases and protects the value of the services of a company and of the company itself.
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- Our mission is to create value for our clients.
- We believe in responsibility – and we are not afraid to take it.
- Plain speech is crucial in a complex patent system, and we applaud any initiative which creates simplicity and clarity for our clients.
- Our driving force is knowledge and insight. The fuel is dialogue, commitment and the will to drive a project forward. The aim is to build strong relations with our clients and to increase the value of their companies.
- European Patent Institute (EPI)
- Danish Association for the Protection of Industrial Rights (Foreningen Industriel Retsbeskyttelse (FIR))
- Association of Danish Intellectual Property Attorneys (ADIPA)
- Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
- Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle (FICPI)
We are always interested in hearing from qualified individuals who can help us solve problems for our clients and develop our company. So regardless of whether you would just like to know more about us, or you want to be part of the Dragsted Partners team, you are always welcome to contact us or send us your application and CV to

We prefer working on site with our clients to sitting in our office
INVENTOR: »Can I make money on my ideas?«